How to Become a Social Media Influencer

How Can You Become An Influencer

Do you have what it takes to be a social media influencer? Over the last 5 years, that’s been a more popular title for those who put the work into it. Brands love collaborating with influencers to help bring them sales and brand awareness.

With the popularity of influencer marketing, it is only natural that people are becoming increasingly curious about how to become an influencer. If blogging is more your thing, here’s a post I dedicated to just that.

What is an influencer?

“An influencer is an individual who has above-average impact on a specific niche process. Influencers are normal people, who are often connected to key roles of media outlets, consumers groups, industry associations or community tribes.”

How To Become A Social Media Influencer

Here’s a simple tips and tricks that will work on all social platforms to become a successful content creator influencer.


You need to decided even before you start, what kind of content you’re going to put out there. To get more brands to reach out to you, you need to stay consist with what you choose. Here’s a great article on becoming a food influencer.


YouTube? Instagram? Tiktok? Yes, Tiktok is more than lip-syncing and dance videos. I know a handful of content creators who grew a following doing what they love. Once you reach 100,000 followers and have great views on your videos you’re able to work with brands to make income. That works on across all social media platforms. If you’re more of a vlog person YouTube, Tiktok or Instagram is the choice for you. If food, DIY & travel is your niche, Instagram or Pinterest is your best bet.


To establish yourself as an influencer, you need to interact with influencers. Find people within your niche and follow them, interview others in your niche, collab with them. The more you get yourself out within your niche the more successful you will be. The problem people have is they’re sharing their content with a group that aren’t interested in what you’re sharing and you’re getting no where. If you are focus on food content creator influencer, you want to follow fellow chefs, food bloggers all within your niche for the best rewards.


Seems easy right? It can be. In order to gain an audience you need to stay consist with your content to keep people coming back to see your content. People like to follow people who are real and relatable to, someone to teach them something, entertain them. The trick is to capitalize on the momentum you generate and to keep the ball rolling.

How To Become A Social Media Influencer

Overall being a social media influencer can be amazing, but it doesn’t come over night and once you are, you can’t slack off. It takes a lot of hard work, consistent effort, and persistence. But after you establish yourself, you simply need to maintain your status, and the world becomes your proverbial oyster.


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One Comment

  1. Sounds like a lot of details and prep to get started. Gives you a different perspective on influencers for sure